Introduction to Huddle01 SDK: Empowering Live Audio and Video Experiences

Introduction to Huddle01 SDK: Empowering Live Audio and Video Experiences


Huddle01 pioneers the first Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Infrastructure Network (DePIN) for Real-Time Communication (RTC), offering a groundbreaking solution capable of reducing bandwidth costs by up to 90% compared to traditional cloud providers like AWS. By leveraging the bandwidth of people's home broadband, Huddle01 enables users to engage in audio/video calls, significantly reducing the reliance on expensive cloud resources. This innovative approach aligns with Huddle01's broader mission to revolutionize communication by establishing a people-powered network.

At the core of Huddle01's ecosystem lies a product-first approach, addressing both the demand and supply sides of the marketplace actively. On the demand side, Huddle01 provides the Huddle01 Platform, a real-time video and audio application, and the Huddle01 SDK, an alternative to Agora's SDK, serving over 3 million minutes of meetings and 35,000 users. On the supply side, Huddle01 Node Operators contribute bandwidth, with over 1,000 operators awaiting inclusion, ensuring a robust and scalable network.

The Huddle01 SDK, a cornerstone product alongside the platform, facilitates seamless communication through live audio and video experiences across various platforms. It distinguishes itself with its real-time audio and video streaming capabilities, cross-platform compatibility, scalability, reliability, and customization options. The SDK prioritizes flexibility and ease of use, supporting a broad array of platforms including JavaScript, React JS, Flutter, React Native, and Server SDK. This versatility empowers developers to integrate live audio and video functionalities into their applications, enriching user engagement and collaboration.

Now, let's delve into the capabilities of Huddle01 SDK, our versatile software development kit designed to empower developers to integrate live audio and video functionalities into their applications seamlessly.

What is Huddle01 SDK?

Huddle01 SDK is a versatile software development kit designed to enable developers to integrate live audio and video functionalities into their applications. It is built with a focus on flexibility and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for developers looking to enhance their applications with real-time communication features. The SDK supports a broad spectrum of platforms, including JavaScript, React JS, Flutter, React Native, and Server SDK, catering to the needs of developers working on web, mobile, and server-side applications.

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to create engaging, real-time audio and video experiences has become a cornerstone for many applications. Huddle01 SDK stands out as a powerful tool designed to facilitate the development of such experiences across a wide range of platforms. This article delves into the key capabilities of Huddle01 SDK, focusing on its real-time audio and video streaming, cross-platform compatibility, scalability and reliability, and customization and flexibility, with code examples on how huddle01 tends to achieve this.

Key Capabilities of Huddle01 SDK

Real-Time Audio and Video Streaming

The Huddle01 SDK enables seamless real-time audio and video streaming, ensuring clear communication and collaboration. This capability is crucial for applications that require immediate, high-quality interaction between users. For instance, when building a live streaming app with React and Video SDK, the SDK enables the integration of live video streaming, real-time chat, and interactive engagement tools, creating a captivating live streaming experience.

To showcase how Huddle01 enables this here is a code example;

import React from 'react';
import { useRoom } from '@huddle01/react/hooks';

const App = () => {
  // Destructure the necessary methods from the useRoom hook
  const { joinRoom, leaveRoom } = useRoom({
    // Define callbacks for joining and leaving the room
    onJoin: () => {
      console.log('Joined the room');
    onLeave: () => {
      console.log('Left the room');

  // Function to handle joining the room
  const handleJoinRoom = () => {
    // Call the joinRoom method with room ID and access token
      roomId: 'YOUR_ROOM_ID',
      token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

  return (
      {/* Button to join the room */}
      <button onClick={handleJoinRoom}>
        Join Room

      {/* Button to leave the room */}
      <button onClick={leaveRoom}>
        Leave Room

export default App;

Cross-Platform Compatibility

One of the standout features of Huddle01 SDK is its cross-platform compatibility. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with JavaScript, React JS, Flutter, React Native, and Server-SDK by ensuring a consistent user experience across all platforms. This cross-platform compatibility allows developers to reach users across different devices and environments, from web applications to mobile apps and server-side solution, this is crucial in today's multi-platform world, where users expect a uniform experience regardless of the device they are using. For example, the Video SDK for React JS, as highlighted above, demonstrates the SDK's capability to create world-class collaborative products with live audio/video capabilities across various platforms.

Scalability and Reliability

Huddle01 SDK is designed to offer scalability and reliability, ensuring smooth performance even under demanding conditions. Whether catering to small teams or large-scale deployments, the SDK is built to handle the demands of your application, ensuring high availability and performance. For instance, the Stream React Video SDK, as mentioned above, routes all calls through Stream's global edge network, ensuring lower latency and higher reliability due to proximity to end users.

Recent updates to the Huddle01 SDK, notably the implementation of cascading, have significantly enhanced scalability. This innovative approach has enabled Huddle01 to scale to 10,000 peers in a room with latency less than 30ms, showcasing the SDK's ability to handle large-scale deployments while maintaining peak performance. The cascading technique intelligently connects participants to the nearest media server, reducing latency and bandwidth consumption, thereby enabling more efficient resource utilization.

The scalability and reliability of the Huddle01 SDK are further bolstered by its global coverage, increased scale, smoother reconnection, zero-downtime deployments, and improved developer experience. These features ensure that Huddle01 can accommodate a wide range of applications, from small teams to large-scale deployments, without compromising on performance or user experience. The Huddle01 engineering team has worked tirelessly to make the SDK v2.0 more reliable, scalable, and developer-friendly, addressing feedback and feature requests to empower developers to build innovative real-time audio/video communication applications

Customization and Flexibility

With its modular architecture and extensive customization options, Huddle01 SDK allows developers to tailor the SDK to meet their specific requirements, incorporating unique features and functionalities. For example, the Video SDK provides developers with simple-to-use, highly customizable, and widely compatible APIs to embed real-time video, voice, and interaction functionalities into their applications without the need to develop the technology or the underlying infrastructure for real-time engagement themselves.

To showcase how Huddle01 enables customization and flexibility, let's create a code example where we customize the configuration of the Huddle01 SDK and demonstrate how developers can tailor it to meet specific requirements.

First, ensure you have installed the Huddle01 SDK for JavaScript:

npm install @huddle01/js-sdk

Now, let's create a basic JavaScript file (index.js) to demonstrate customization:

import { HuddleSDK } from '@huddle01/js-sdk';

// Define custom configuration options
const customConfig = {
  audioCodec: 'opus',
  videoCodec: 'vp9',
  maxConnections: 1000,
  reliabilityMode: 'high',

// Initialize Huddle SDK with custom configuration
const huddle = new HuddleSDK(customConfig);

// Define room ID and access token (replace with your actual values)
const roomId = 'YOUR_ROOM_ID';
const accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

// Function to handle joining the room
const joinRoom = async () => {
  try {
    // Join the room with custom configuration
    await huddle.joinRoom(roomId, accessToken);

    console.log('Joined the room with custom configuration');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error joining the room:', error);

// Call the joinRoom function

Supported Platforms

Huddle01 SDK supports a wide range of platforms, including:

  • JavaScript: For web applications, allowing developers to integrate live audio and video functionalities directly into their websites.

  • React JS: Ideal for building dynamic, interactive web applications with React, providing a seamless integration of live audio and video experiences.

  • Flutter: For cross-platform mobile app development, enabling developers to create high-performance apps that work on both iOS and Android.

  • React Native: Offers a comprehensive suite of hooks, methods, and event listeners for seamless real-time audio and video communication in mobile applications with minimal coding required 1.

  • Server SDK: The Server SDK provided by Huddle01 is a powerful tool designed to facilitate server-side development, enabling developers to manage and control live audio and video experiences from the backend. This capability is crucial for applications that require real-time communication functionalities, such as video conferencing, live streaming, or interactive gaming.


Huddle01 SDK is a powerful tool for developers looking to enhance their applications with live audio and video functionalities. Its cross-platform compatibility, high-quality streaming capabilities, and support for multiple participants make it an excellent choice for a wide range of applications. Whether you're developing a web application, a mobile app, or a server-side solution, Huddle01 SDK offers the flexibility and features you need to create engaging, real-time communication experiences.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the ability to create immersive, real-time audio and video experiences will become increasingly important. With Huddle01 SDK, developers have the tools and resources they need to stay ahead of the curve and create applications that stand out in the market.

For further information and resources, please refer to the Huddle01 documentation available at Huddle01 Documentation. Stay updated with the latest news, updates and announcement by following us on Twitter Huddle01 and join our Discord community Huddle01 Discord.

Join Us and Build the Future:

In addition to the opportunity to make a difference in the world of real-time communication, the Rennaissance Hackathon presents an exciting chance for participants to build, learn, and win fantastic prizes. This hackathon isn't just about coding; it's about exploring, innovating, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible with the Huddle01 SDK.

Whether you're a seasoned developer eager to expand your skills or a newcomer looking to dive headfirst into the world of real-time communication, this event offers the perfect environment to learn, grow, and test your capabilities.

Moreover, by participating in this hackathon, you have the chance to shape the future of various sectors, whether it's social networking, e-commerce, education technology, or beyond. Your ideas and contributions could pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in these fields.

So, seize this opportunity to join us in this exciting journey of creation and collaboration. Let's come together to build the future of real-time communication with the Huddle01 SDK. You can read more about it by following the track link provided by Huddle01 on the Superteam Link. We can't wait to see you at the hackathon.